I love scraps...well some of them. I mean, I still don't understand how folks can save the little dog ears cut from triangle squares or the real tiny pieces that are sized an inch or less. I like scraps that are functional and that are big enough to cut into. I enjoy making scrappy quilts. Putting one together stretches my imagination. I am a huge Bonnie Hunter devotee. I don't always complete her quilts, but I love them all anyway. I don't really have a scrap stash. I usually cut from yardage or use the fqs, jelly rolls and charm squares. So when someone says use your scrap stash, I can't because I don't have one. And, however much I enjoy scrappy quilts, I am not the dig in the bag and sew together whatever comes out type of scrappy quilter. I have purchased bags of scraps. Many of them have nice-sized pieces of fabric in them. And my generous friends usually gift me with fabric scraps, but most are at least 5 inches or bigger. So, the little pieces are not for me. They make me crazy! I catch myself sometimes holding onto them because I feel guilty throwing them away. But I am not going to do that any more. On the other hand, I am a very "controlled-scrappy" quilter. What does that mean? Well I like using lots of different fabrics in my quilts. But I kinda control the color combinations, the placement, and types of fabrics used. Does that still qualify me as a scrappy quilter? I hope so...I have used as many as 100 different fabrics in one quilt. I think that is pretty scrappy. I like a lot of variation and texture and using multiple fabrics helps me to accomplish that quality and look. I purchased this of bag scraps at the Mid-Atlantic Quilt show this past February. Aren't the colors wonderful and the pieces are pretty sizable?

So for the last 3 weeks, I have been piecing a quilt made with four patches. The four patches are made with African fabrics, batiks and some coordinating fabrics, many of them made with scraps. It is very scrappy and colourful, but I also made sure the blocks were placed in a recognizable pattern throughout the quilt top. I have 2 more rows to add. I love how it is coming together and I think I have enough four patch blocks as a result of this
block swap, to make another top. This one is not destined to be a flimsy for long.
By the way, I found some scraps in a few bins that are going to a good and loving home.
Linda, they will be on their way soon. I have photos of a few more "modern" quilt top flimsies to share with you. I am still trying to work my way through this phenomenon :0).
Thanks for stopping by!!!
Love your quilt! Scraps can make beautiful quilts. I like how you have a row of black squares running through it. Brings everything together!
I know what you mean about scraps, I can not wrap my head around it, I really think people talk scrapy but really are coorinating there fabrics to match in color. I know Linda loves scraps and we all seem to be giving them to her. Nice to see you post and what are you reading now.
Thanks to all who have responded!
I have just found your blog , I love that you use strong colour . I use Kaffe Fassett as an inspiration .
All my quilty friends use Pastel. I'm definitely not shy with colour.
I love New York beauties and drunkards path quilts .
I truly admire the quilts of Wanda,Exuberant colour .
I'm trying to work on getting the blog following list on my sidebar .
No success yet
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